Install Simdify Free Edition

In this exercise you'll learn to install software from Scenomics LLC.

  1. Download Simdify Free Edition.
  2. Run the setup executable. For example: simdify_free_edition_installer.exe. This is a picture of the installer.
  3. Select I accept the agreement to agree to the license agreement and click Next to proceed.

    The installer asks where you would like to install the software. Use the default location.

    This is a picture of the installer.
  4. Click Next to proceed.

    The installer asks which group name to use for the Start Menu. Use the default value.

    This is a picture of the installer.
  5. Click Next to proceed.

    The installer copies the files to your system.

    This is a picture of the installer.

    The installer finishes installation. Leave the option Launch Outline checked.

    This is a picture of the installer.
  6. Click Finish to complete the installation.

    The Outline application starts up. After a short period of time you'll see the installation config notice appear:

    This is a picture of the installation config notice.
  7. Click OK to proceed.

    After a short period of time you'll see the final installation notice appear:

    This is a picture of the final configuration notice.
  8. Click OK to proceed.

    The Outline application appears.

    This is a picture of the outline application.
  9. Select File » Exit from the main menu and shut down the Outline application.
  10. Make a selection from the series of tutorials shown on the left side of the help. For example: Simdify For Windows or Simdify For Raspberry Pi 3B+.