QuantizeColors Data Member Function

Reduces the number of colors in an <Image> object to the specified count.


int32 QuantizeColors( Image p_oSourceImage, Image p_oDestImage, int32 p_nColorCount, ColorArray p_acQuantizationResults, ColorArray p_oPaletteColors )


Parameter Type Parameter Name Documentation
<Image>p_oSourceImageA pointer to the source <Image> object. This object will not be modified by this function.
<Image>p_oDestImageA pointer to the destination <Image> object that will contain the results of color quantization.
int32p_nColorCountAn <int32> that defines the maximum number of colors in the destination <Image> object after quantization.
<ColorArray>p_acQuantizationResultsA pointer to a <ColorArray> object stores an array representing the quantized colors.
<ColorArray>p_oPaletteColorsA pointer to a <ColorArray> that stores the palette of the quantized image.


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