ComputeErosion Data Member Function

Computes time-based hydraulic erosion for <Image> objects that contain FP32 data.


int32 ComputeErosion( Image p_oSource, Image p_oDest, Float32Array p_afParams, double p_dTime, int32 p_nIterations )


Parameter Type Parameter Name Documentation
<Image>p_oSourceA pointer to a source <Image> object that contains FP32 elevation data.
<Image>p_oDestA pointer to a destination <Image> object. At least one allocation is performed to ensure the destination <Image> has sufficient storage.
<Float32Array>p_afParamsA pointer to a <Float32Array> that contains parameters for the hydraulic erosion. This array must contain 9 items, and the values here refer to the ErosionParams enumeration. Please see TYPE_SERVICE_ENUMERATION_UTIL.SSL in the application scripts folder for more information.
doublep_dTimeA <float64> representing the time for each iteration to run.
int32p_nIterationsAn <int32> representing the number of iterations.


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None published. Please look for an example in the Simdify Scripting Language code base.