Interleave Data Member Function

Interleaves the source into the destination, at the specified channel offsets. For example, sets the source values to every [i]th value in the destination. Using [0000] as the source: [1111111111111111] -> [0111011101110111] or [1011101110111011]. The span of the iterator must be evenly divisible by the number of specified channels, and the channel index must be between 0 and channel count - 1.


int32 Interleave( Float16Iterator first, Float16Iterator last, int32 p_nSrcChannelCount, int32 p_nSrcChannelIndex, int32 p_nDstChannelCount, int32 p_nDstChannelIndex, Float16Iterator dst )


Parameter Type Parameter Name Documentation
<Float16Iterator>firstAn iterator at the start of the source range.
<Float16Iterator>lastAn iterator at the end of the source range.
int32p_nSrcChannelCountThe number of 'channels' in the source range.
int32p_nSrcChannelIndexThe index of the source channel from which to get the data for interleaving.
int32p_nDstChannelCountThe number of 'channels' in the destination range.
int32p_nDstChannelIndexThe index of the destination channel.
<Float16Iterator>dstAn iterator at the start of the destination range.


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None published. Please look for an example in the Simdify Scripting Language code base.