ConvertToCpuMemoryLayout Data Member Function

Converts an array of vectors from the GPU memory layout ( memory layout may change with padding introduced by certain layout qualifiers such as packed, shared, std430, or std140 ) into the CPU memory layout ( which is a contiguous, unpadded array of values ).


int32 ConvertToCpuMemoryLayout( ProgramConstantInfo p_oInfo, int32 p_bZeroMemory, int32 p_nComponents, Float16Iterator first, Float16Iterator last, Float16Iterator dst )


Parameter Type Parameter Name Documentation
<ProgramConstantInfo>p_oInfoA pointer to a <ProgramConstantInfo> object ( which contains data about the OpenGL configuration of the data ).
int32p_bZeroMemoryFills the destination memory with zeros before performing the conversion if true.
int32p_nComponentsThe number of vector components. For example 2 for vec2, 3 for vec3, or 4 for vec4.
<Float16Iterator>firstAn iterator at the start of the source range, which must be an array of scalar values containing data that has been read back from the GPU.
<Float16Iterator>lastAn iterator at the end of the source range, which must be an array of scalar values containing data that has been read back from the GPU.
<Float16Iterator>dstAn iterator at the start of the destination. The count of the destination and the vector components determines how much data is copied during the copy operation. For example, if the source scalar array represents four vectors with four components, and the destination contains a single vector, then only one vector's worth of data ( four values ) will be copied.


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None published. Please look for an example in the Simdify Scripting Language code base.