PackMatrixInScalarArray Data Member Function

Packs a matrix into a scalar array, using row major or column major layout order. A 2x2 matrix results in four packed values.


int32 PackMatrixInScalarArray( Float32Iterator first, Float32Iterator last, Float32Iterator dst, int32 p_nCols, int32 p_nRows, int32 p_bRowMajor )


Parameter Type Parameter Name Documentation
<Float32Iterator>firstAn iterator at the start of the source range.
<Float32Iterator>lastAn iterator at the end of the source range.
<Float32Iterator>dstAn iterator at the start of the destination range.
int32p_nColsThe number of cols in the matrix.
int32p_nRowsThe number of rows in the matrix.
int32p_bRowMajorIf true, the matrix values are extracted in row order. Otherwise the matrix is extracted in column order.


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