ConvertToCpuMemoryLayout Data Member Function

Converts the matrix from the GPU memory layout ( memory layout may change with padding introduced by certain layout qualifiers such as packed, shared, std430, or std140 ) into the CPU memory layout ( which is a contiguous, unpadded array of values ).


int32 ConvertToCpuMemoryLayout( ProgramConstantInfo p_oInfo, int32 p_bZeroMemory, int32 p_nCols, int32 p_nRows, Float64Iterator first, Float64Iterator last, Float64Iterator dst )


Parameter Type Parameter Name Documentation
<ProgramConstantInfo>p_oInfoA pointer to a <ProgramConstantInfo> object ( which contains data about the OpenGL configuration of the data ).
int32p_bZeroMemoryFills the destination memory with zeros before performing the conversion if true.
int32p_nColsThe number of columns in the matrix, as it was declared in the GLSL source code.
int32p_nRowsThe number of rows in the matrix, as it was declared in the GLSL source code.
<Float64Iterator>firstAn iterator at the start of the source range.
<Float64Iterator>lastAn iterator at the end of the source range.
<Float64Iterator>dstAn iterator at the start of the destination range.


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None published. Please look for an example in the Simdify Scripting Language code base.