ForwardProjectRegion Data Member Function

Forward projects a region from latitude, longitude coordinate space to the coordinate space of this modifier, and stores the projected coordinates in a <Float64Array> submitted to this function.


int32 ForwardProjectRegion( int32 p_nLatitudeSampleCount, int32 p_nLongitudeSampleCount, Float64Array p_adProjectionSamplingParams, Float64Array p_adProjectedCoordinateResults )


Parameter Type Parameter Name Documentation
int32p_nLatitudeSampleCountAn <int32> representing the number of latitude sample points over the region.
int32p_nLongitudeSampleCountAn <int32> representing the number of longitude sample points over the region.
<Float64Array>p_adProjectionSamplingParamsA pointer to a <Float64Array> containing the sampling and projection parameters. The first <float64> stores the minimum latitude of the region. The second <float64> stores the minimum longitude of the region. The third <float64> stores the latitude increment, which is the latitude range divided by the number of latitude samples. The fourth <float64> stores the longitude increment, which is the longitude range divided by the number of longitude samples. The fifth <float64> stores the minimum latitude of the region. The sixth <float64> stores the minimum longitude of the region.
<Float64Array>p_adProjectedCoordinateResultsA pointer to a <Float64Array> that will store the projected coordinates.


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None published. Please look for an example in the Simdify Scripting Language code base.