SortQualifiers Data Member Function

Copies <GlslQualifierNode> objects from a source <NodeBuffer> object to destination <NodeBuffer> object, and allows you to filter the qualifiers by their status as standard qualifiers or layout qualifiers.


int32 SortQualifiers( NodeBuffer p_apSrc, NodeBuffer p_apDst, int32 p_nLayoutQualifiers )


Parameter Type Parameter Name Documentation
<NodeBuffer>p_apSrcA pointer to a <NodeBuffer> object containing <GlslQualifierNode> objects.
<NodeBuffer>p_apDstA pointer to a <NodeBuffer> object into which you wish to populate with the sorted <GlslQualifierNode> objects.
int32p_nLayoutQualifiersAn <int32> value that indicates whether or not you wish to sort standard qualifiers or layout qualifiers. Use 0 to populate the destination <List> with standard qualifiers, and use 1 to populate the destination <List> with layout qualifiers.


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None published. Please look for an example in the Simdify Scripting Language code base.