GetLayerCoordinatesFromCubemapArrayImage Data Member Function

Given a layered <Image> object representing an array of cubemaps, this function populates the <Int32Array> object submitted to the function with the byte coordinates of the entire layer formed by all six cubemap faces. Non-zero indicates success, and zero indicates failure. The most common cause of failure is submitting a bad layer count or bad layer index value.


int32 GetLayerCoordinatesFromCubemapArrayImage( Image p_oImage, int32 p_nLayerCount, int32 p_nLayerIndex, Int32Array p_aiCoordinates )


Parameter Type Parameter Name Documentation
<Image>p_oImageA pointer to the layered <Image> object.
int32p_nLayerCountAn <int32> representing the number of layers in the array.
int32p_nLayerIndexAn <int32> representing the layer index for which you wish to acquire byte coordinates. Must be between 0 and Total Layer Count - 1.
<Int32Array>p_aiCoordinatesThe <Int32Array> to populate with <Image> layer byte coordinates.


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None published. Please look for an example in the Simdify Scripting Language code base.