IndexBufferFill Data Member Function

Fills an array with index values. For example, given an image resolution of 32x32 and grid dimensions of 4x4, this function fills the array with values that create a 'checkerboard' of numbers. Each chunk of the 'checkerboard' has the same values. There would be a region filled with 0, another region filled with 1, and so forth.


int32 IndexBufferFill( Int32Array p_oDst, int32 p_nImageResX, int32 p_nImageResY, int32 p_nGridResX, int32 p_nGridResY )


Parameter Type Parameter Name Documentation
<Int32Array>p_oDstA pointer to the destination.
int32p_nImageResXThe X resolution of the corresponding image for which you are creating the values.
int32p_nImageResYThe Y resolution of the corresponding image for which you are creating the values.
int32p_nGridResXThe X resolution of the index grid.
int32p_nGridResYThe Y resolution of the index grid.


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None published. Please look for an example in the Simdify Scripting Language code base.