Split Data Member Function

Splits a single panel workspace into two or four panes.


int32 Split( int32 RowCount, int32 ColumnCount, int32 FirstRowPercentage, int32 FirstColumnPercentage )


Parameter Type Parameter Name Documentation
int32RowCountInteger for number of panes on Y axis. 1 or 2.
int32ColumnCountInteger for number of panes on X axis. 1 or 2.
int32FirstRowPercentageInteger between 0-100 that sets the width of the worksheet with respect to available area. 50 = 50 percent.
int32FirstColumnPercentageInteger between 0-100 that sets the width of the worksheet with respect to available area. 50 = 50 percent.


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None published. Please look for an example in the Simdify Scripting Language code base.