ChangeModel Data Member Function

Changes the root Model referred to by a <NodeSelector> object. The <NodeSelector> object uses the root Model to resolve relative paths, so it's important to only use this data interface if you know what you're doing. It's worth noting that there are very few cases where this function should ever be used, but you can look at CREATE_TEMPLATE_SCRIPTS.SSL for examples.


int32 ChangeModel( Node p_oModel3D, Node p_oNodeInModel )


Parameter Type Parameter Name Documentation
<Node>p_oModel3DA pointer to the new Model in which the <NodeSelector> object's container object will be resident.
<Node>p_oNodeInModelA <Node> in the model in which the <NodeSelector> object's container object will be resident. The <Node> must be parented somewhere in the Model. ( For example: <Node> objects allocated with new that have not undergone Model.AddNode() may not be used. )


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None published. Please look for an example in the Simdify Scripting Language code base.