CreateDependencies Data Member Function

Populates the <Group> submitted to this function with <RelationshipNode> objects created from information in the <StrList> submitted to this function.


int32 CreateDependencies( Node p_oNodeInModel || p_oModel3D, StrList p_slDependencyInfo, Group p_oParent )


Parameter Type Parameter Name Documentation
<Node>p_oNodeInModel || p_oModel3DA pointer to a <Node> that has been added to a Model that has been saved at least once, or a pointer to a Model that has been saved at least once.
<StrList>p_slDependencyInfoNomenclature for this function refers to the source <Node> and the destination <Node>. The source <Node> is the <Node> where the dependency originates, such as a <Material> <Node> that points at a <Program> node. The destination <Node> is the <Node> that the source <Node> depends upon. Simple stated, changing the destination <Node> may affect the source <Node>.
string 0 The file path of the document containing the source <Node>, which can be accessed by calling <Node>.GetModel().Filename.
string 1 The source <Node> object's graph address, which can be accessed by calling <Node>.GetPathToNode().
string 2 The source <Node> object's GUID, which can be accessed by calling <Node>.GetGuid().Value.
string 3 The source <Node> object's <Type>, which can be accessed by calling <Node>.GetType().GetTypeNameString().
string 4 The source <Node> object's graph position, which can be accessed by calling <Node>.DistanceFromRoot( Model ).
string 0 The file path of the document containing the destination <Node>, which can be accessed by calling <Node>.GetModel().Filename.
string 1 The destination <Node> object's graph address, which can be accessed by calling <Node>.GetPathToNode().
string 2 The destination <Node> object's GUID, which can be accessed by calling <Node>.GetGuid().Value.
string 3 The destination <Node> object's <Type>, which can be accessed by calling <Node>.GetType().GetTypeNameString().
string 4 The destination <Node> object's graph position, which can be accessed by calling <Node>.DistanceFromRoot( Model ).
string 4 A string representing a number that codifies the origination of the dependency. Options are: DependencyOrigination_NodeSink = 0, DependencyOrigination_NodeLink = 1, DependencyOrigination_NodeSelector = 2, DependencyOrigination_FilePath = 3, DependencyOrigination_Self = 4.
<Group>p_oParentA pointer to a <Group> where you wish to parent the new <RelationshipNode> objects.


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