GetInfo Data Member Function

Populates a <StrList> with dependency and reference information strings gathered from the <NodePtrArray> submitted to this function. This can easily be done with pure SSL ( which means you don't need to use this function ), but there could be cases ( for large sets ) where performance is extremely important.


int32 GetInfo( NodePtrArray p_apNodePtrArray, StrList p_slInfoStrings, int32 p_eDependencyInfoCategory )


Parameter Type Parameter Name Documentation
<NodePtrArray>p_apNodePtrArrayA <NodePtrArray> containing one or more <RelationshipNode> objects.
<StrList>p_slInfoStringsThe <StrList> you wish to populate with dependency and reference information.
int32p_eDependencyInfoCategoryThe category of information you wish to retrieve. This value references the DependencyInfoCategory enumeration. Please see TYPE_SERVICE_ENUMERATION_UTIL.SSL in the application scripts folder for more information.


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None published. Please look for an example in the Simdify Scripting Language code base.