GetProgramConstantIndex Data Member Function

Gets an index for a constant in a <Program>. The result can then be used to set the value of the constant, which will be set in the <Program> before the <Program> is executed.


int32 GetProgramConstantIndex( uint64 p_iHandle, string p_sConstantName )


Parameter Type Parameter Name Documentation
uint64p_iHandleA handle to the program to get a constant index for, or 0 to use the current program activated in the rendering device.
stringp_sConstantNameThe name of the constant to get the index for.


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// Simdify Scripting Language Code
Render3D a_oAccel = Application.GetAccelerate3D();
auto RenderInfo a_oRenderInfo = new RenderInfo( a_oAccel );

auto Program a_oProgram;
a_oProgram.SetComputeFile( "C:\\MyProject\\MyComputeShader.glsl" );

int a_nBindShader = a_oProgram.Select( a_oRenderInfo );
int a_nConstantIndex = a_oAccel.GetProgramConstantIndex( a_oProgram.GetHandle(), "my_uniform_pi" );

double a_fPi = 3.14159265359;
      a_oProgram.GetHandle(), a_nConstantIndex, a_fPi );

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// Corresponding Compute Shader Code
#version 460 core

layout( local_size_x = 32, local_size_y = 32, local_size_z = 1 ) in;

uniform float my_uniform_pi;

void main(void)
  // Do some compute...