SelectMaterial Data Member Function

Sets the device state to render using a <Material> defined by Material_Flags options and alpha-blending opacity. This refers to the Material_Flags enumeration. Please see TYPE_SERVICE_ENUMERATION_UTIL.SSL in the application scripts folder for more information.


int32 SelectMaterial( Material p_oNewMaterial, int32 p_nFlags, double p_fOpacity )


Parameter Type Parameter Name Documentation
<Material>p_oNewMaterialThe <Material> to select into the rendering device.
int32p_nFlagsA set of Material_Flags options indicating the rendering state. This refers to the Material_Flags enumeration. Please see TYPE_SERVICE_ENUMERATION_UTIL.SSL in the application scripts folder for more information.
doublep_fOpacityThe alpha-blending weight for geometry rendered using the active <Material>. One is opaque, zero is completely transparent, and intermediate values blend between the current colors in the image and the newly rendered geometry.


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