GenerateMipMapCount Data Member Function

Generates the number of MIP maps for the <Texture> object's, given the underlying <Image> object's width and height and the specified minimum dimension. For example, if the <Texture> owns an <Image> object that is 1024x1024 pixels, and the minimum dimension is given as 4, this function returns 8, which is the count of <int32> values in the following sequence: 512, 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4. Similarly, if the <Texture> owns an <Image> object that is 512x512 pixels, and the minimum dimension is given as 128, this function returns 2, which is the count of <int32> values in the following sequence: 256, 128.


int32 GenerateMipMapCount( int32 p_nMinimumDimension )


Parameter Type Parameter Name Documentation
int32p_nMinimumDimensionThe minimum acceptable dimension for a MIP map, including width and height. If the dimensions are unequal, then this function will return when either dimension reaches the minimum acceptable dimension.


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