GenerateMipMaps Data Member Function

Populates the <Texture> object's ImageList object with down-sampled versions of the first <Image> object in the ImageList object.


int32 GenerateMipMaps( int32 p_nMIPMapCount )


Parameter Type Parameter Name Documentation
int32p_nMIPMapCountThe number of MIP map levels to generate. For a 1024x1024 <Texture> object, the count is typically 8, provided the smallest MIP map is 4x4 pixels. This creates MIP maps with the following set of dimensions: 512, 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4. You can use the function <Texture>.GenerateMipMapCount( <int32> p_nMinDimension ) to compute the correct MIP map count for a particular <Texture> and a given minimum MIP map dimension.


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None published. Please look for an example in the Simdify Scripting Language code base.