BuildOutputTextures Data Member Function

Populates the output <TypeBuffer> with final images built from the MIP slices contained in the input <TypeBuffer>. This is only for layered textures such as array textures or cubemaps. The total number of <Image> objects submitted will be divided by the provided count to determine the number of layered images produced by this function. For example, if you submit 25 images, then you must specify a count of 5. If you submit 24 images, you must specify a count of 2, 4, 6, or 12. Note that the output <Image> objects are generated by new allocations and the input <Image> objects are not modified at all.


int32 BuildOutputTextures( int32 outputs, TypeBuffer src, TypeBuffer dst )


Parameter Type Parameter Name Documentation
int32outputsThe number of final <Image> objects to be generated from the slices.
<TypeBuffer>srcA pointer to a <TypeBuffer> containing pointers to the images in the series.
<TypeBuffer>dstA pointer to the destination <TypeBuffer> that will store the final images.


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None published. Please look for an example in the Simdify Scripting Language code base.