CreateMipImageStubs Data Member Function

Allocates a new <Image> object for each of the dimension pairs in the array of <int32> dimensions submitted to this function. Note that the underlying buffer for the <Image> object data is NOT allocated by this function. Creates raw, unsized <Image> object pointers with constructor defaults.


int32 CreateMipImageStubs( Int32Array src, TypeBuffer dst )


Parameter Type Parameter Name Documentation
<Int32Array>srcA pointer to an <Int32Array> containing pairs of dimensions. One <Image> is allocated for each pair of dimensions. If there are 8 values in this array of <int32> values, then 4 images will be allocated because it assumes that each <Image> object must have two dimensions.
<TypeBuffer>dstA pointer to a <TypeBuffer> object that stores the new <Image> objects. This <TypeBuffer> object owns the pointers to the newly allocated <Image> objects.


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