ResampleImage1DArray Data Member Function

Resamples the source <Image> into the destination <Image>. Produces analytically correct resampled versions of layered and non-layered <Image> objects.


int32 ResampleImage1DArray( ImageResampler resampler, Image src, Image dst, Int32Array params )


Parameter Type Parameter Name Documentation
<ImageResampler>resamplerA pointer to the <ImageResampler> object that handles the resampling for each slice.
<Image>srcA pointer to the source <Image> object.
<Image>dstA pointer to the destination <Image> object that contains the resampled results.
<Int32Array>paramsA pointer to an <Int32Array> containing resampling parameters. This array must contain 5 <int32> values, the values of which are as follows: 0 index = a value from ImageTopology enumeration. See TYPE_SERVICE_ENUMERATION_UTIL.SSL for more information. 1 index = number of slices in source <Image> with 0 as minimum. 2 index = render depth of <Image> with 1 as a minimum. 3 index = destination width. 4 index = destination height.


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