
Simdify Scripting Language supports the following operators. The list is ordered from highest precedence at the top to lowest precedence at the bottom and grouped by both precedence and associativity. Parentheses can control order of operation.

Operator Description Associativity
. Member selection operator L-to-R
[] Array index operator L-to-R
++ Prefix increment operator Not Applicable
-- Prefix decrement operator Not Applicable
+ Unary plus operator R-to-L
- Unary minus operator R-to-L
! Logical not operator R-to-L
new Create object operator R-to-L
delete Delete object operator R-to-L
* Multiply operator L-to-R
/ Divide operator L-to-R
+ Addition operator L-to-R
- Subtraction operator L-to-R
< Less than operator L-to-R
> Greater than operator L-to-R
<= Less than or equal to operator L-to-R
>= Greater than or equal to operator L-to-R
== Equality operator L-to-R
!= Inequality operator L-to-R
&& Logical AND operator L-to-R
|| Logical OR operator L-to-R
= Assignment operator R-to-L
+= Addition Assignment operator R-to-L
-= Subtraction Assignment operator R-to-L
*= Multiplication Assignment operator R-to-L
/= Division Assignment operator R-to-L