Simdify Free Edition

The Easiest OpenGL® Experience On the Planet!
Simdify Free Edition removes the stress and frustration of learning GPU programming. Start the Outline application and create a new shader. Open the shader in the Module app to add textures and uniforms that are declared in your shader code. Then use the Layout app to combine shader modules into a complete workflow. Finally, export and run your workload in a C++ based OpenGL® runtime application for Windows®, Linux®, or Raspberry Pi® 3/4/5. In just a few minutes, you’ll have a fully functional OpenGL® application running compute workloads on your Windows®, Linux®, or Raspberry Pi® 3/4/5 device.
Click Download Simdify Free Edition below and run the installer. After that, head over to our amazing online help and get started.
Outline Highlights

Outline Application
The Outline application is included with Simdify Free Edition. It’s a Windows desktop application for project management that makes it very easy to manage all the data associated with your Simdify installation. You can create new shader modules, compute layouts, scripts, and other types of documents. Think of it as the north star for all your data!

Manage Projects
With the Outline application, you can keep track of all the data associated with your Simdify installation. You can find and open files easily, either by searching or exploring, and you can create new shaders, textures, scripts, and other documents.

Update Data Globally
Modify large data sets instantly at the global level. Build dependencies and references to see how your data is used. Even better, these features are implemented with Simdify Scripting Language so you can modify their implementations or write your own.
Module Highlights

Module Application
The Module application is included with Simdify Free Edition. It’s a Windows desktop application that makes it very easy to design and debug shader workloads. In this application, you work with one shader workload at a time, switching between writing shader code and debugging until your shader is complete. The application allows to build representations of your OpenGL function calls and data structures, making it incredibly easy to reason about what’s happening in the application and on your GPU.

Node Based
Node-based design done right. Carefully designed to work on at the level of an OpenGL function call (or group of related calls), the hierarchy view makes it super easy to see the flow of your OpenGL calls, and to reason about what is happening. In this example, you can see that a shader program object is bound, and you can see the subsequent operations, such as uniform binds, buffer binds, and unbinds as well. It’s outrageously great!

Design/Debug Shaders
Use the visual debugger to inspect output values. View values before they are sent to the GPU. Use readbacks to check your work. This doesn’t just make shaders easier, it removes hours of stress and frustration. You won’t ever go back to the land before time when debugging was so unbelievably painful! The Simdify Compute+ Module goes even further, giving you per-invocation debugging of compute shaders.

Refined Property Editing
Instead of tearing your hair out wondering what values are being set, with Simdify’s property sheets you’ll always know exactly what value is being set. You’ll really love being able to see everything! Nearly all changes produce immediate feedback in the running shader code.
Layout Highlights

Layout Application
The Layout application is included with Simdify Free Edition. It’s a Windows desktop application that makes it very easy to combine shaders into complete workflows, and export them to a variety of operating systems and devices.

Build Compute Workflows
Create individual shaders in the Module application and then compose them in the Layout application. When building your shader in the Module application, you can specify the inputs and outputs required by each shader. Then you simply add data and form connections in the Layout application to see your finished compute workflow.

Export Shaders
Export your shaders to Windows®, Linux®, or Raspberry Pi® 3/45/ with the click of a button. On Windows®, the exporter generates a Visual Studio® solution file that you can immediately open and build into a Win32® graphics application. On Linux®/Raspberry Pi®, the exporter generates a makefile and all the other files needed to compile a complete application. No OpenGL® knowledge required! The exporter is written in Simdify Scripting Language and full source code is included – so you can modify the exporter to suit your own needs.
Platform Highlights

Simdify Scripting Language is a C++-like scripting language that is embedded in all Simdify products. Want to change the way a command works? There is a 99% chance that the command was written in Simdify Scripting Language, which means you can change the way the command works. You don’t even need a C++ compiler. Not to mention, you can compile the 300K plus lines of code in less than 10 seconds on most modern laptops. You’ll be absolutely stunned once you try it!

World Class Documentation
Your success is our success, and we invest significant resources in maintaining world class documentation that gives you step-by-step instructions with pictures every step of the way. And by world class, we don’t just mean simple tutorials — we include simple and complex tutorials to help you learn how to apply our products to perform tough, real-world analysis. At Scenomics, we eat our own dog food, and we go hard!

A Superior Experience
Actually, it’s not just a superior experience. It’s a vastly superior experience, at affordable prices. Why spend hours on search engines and Stack Overflow just trying to get a single triangle on screen? Or how about the forums where you ask a question and “that guy” responds with a demeaning non-answer and suggests that you’re stupid for not knowing everything? With Simdify, you can reach us by email or phone and we’ll do our best to help you!
Included With Free Download
Platform executable and extension loader. Required in order to run all Simdify products.
Layout Application
Files that implement the Layout application shell, including the splash screen icons, and main menu configuration. Layout, Layout.simdifyapp,, layout_icon.ico, layout_splash_screen.bmp, Layout_v1.simdifyapp, v0_scripts.xml, v0_layout.xml, v1_scripts.xml, v1_layout.xml,
Core Platform DLLs
Win32 Dynamic Link Libraries that contains user interface implementation, core nodes, and related infrastructure such as scripting language data interfaces and property editing tools. Core-App-Base.dll, Core-App-Properties.dll, Plugin-Data-Primitive-Algorithms.dll, Plugin-Domain-Compute.dll, Plugin-Domain-GIS.dll, Plugin-Domain-Glslang.dll, Plugin-Domain-Parametric.dll, Plugin-Domain-Shader-Buffer.dll, Plugin-Domain-Uniform-Buffer.dll, Plugin-Domain-Video.dll, Plugin-Domain-Workflow.dll, Plugin-FileFilter-BMP.dll, Plugin-FileFilter-DEM.dll, Plugin-FileFilter-PNG.dll, Plugin-FileFilter-RGBAI.dll, Plugin-FileFilter-TGA.dll, Plugin-Nodes-Glsl.dll, Plugin-Nodes-Installer.dll, Plugin-Nodes-Palette.dll, Plugin-Nodes-Post-Processing.dll, Plugin-Nodes-Project.dll, Plugin-Nodes-Shell.dll, Plugin-Nodes-Variable.dll, Plugin-Objects-Data-Capture-Properties.dll, Plugin-Objects-Data-Capture.dll, Plugin-Objects-Image-Conversion.dll, Plugin-Objects-Image-Convolution.dll, Plugin-Objects-Image-Processor.dll, Plugin-Objects-Installer.dll, Plugin-Objects-Readback.dll, Plugin-Tools-Magnifier.dll, RenderOpenGL.dll, Script.dll, Core-App-Controls.dll, Core-App-Edit.dll, Core-App-Geometry.dll, Core-App-Geometry-Nodes.dll, Core-App-UI.dll, iDLL64.dll, External-AppPackage.exe, OpenThreadsWin32.dll, avcodec-58.dll, avdevice-58.dll, avfilter-7.dll, avformat-58.dll, avutil-56.dll, gdal13.dll, libiconv-2.dll, libpng13.dll, libwinpthread-1.dll, libxml2.dll, proj.dll, swresample-3.dll, swscale-5.dll, zlib1.dll
AddChannelModifier, AttributeModifier, BevelModifier, BevelVertexModifier, BoxPrimitive, BufferPaletteNode, CalculateNormalsModifier, Camera, CameraStateNode, CirclePrimitive, CollapseVertexModifier, CollectionNode, ConnectModifier, CylinderPrimitive, DataCaptureNode, DataPaletteNode, DelaunayModifier, DelaunayTrimModifier, DeleteFaceModifier, DisplaceModifier, DissolveFaceModifier, DissolveModifier, DissolveTriangleEdgesModifier, DrawNode, DynamicTextureModifier, EdgeModifier, EditModel3D, ExportOptionsModifier, ExtrudeModifier, FaceAttributeModifier, FileArrayNode, GeographicProjectionModifier, GeographicTextureModifier, GlslQualifierNode, GraphicsFeatureNode, Group, InsertQuadCenterVertexModifier, InsertTriangleIntoTriangleModifier, InsertVertexModifier, LOD, LanguageQualifierNode, LayoutNode, Light, LoftPrimitive, Material, MaterialModifier, MaterialPaletteNode, MaterialReferenceNode, MergeFacesModifier, Mesh, Modifier, Node, NodeLink, NormalTranslateModifier, ParametricMesh, Path, PlanarProjectTexturePrimitive, Program, ProgramVariationNode, ProjectionModifier, QualifierNode, RectanglePrimitive, RemoveChannelModifier, SamplerArrayNode, SamplerNode, SamplerPaletteNode, ScriptNode, ShaderPaletteNode, SimplifyModifier, SmoothModifier, SocketPrimitive, SpherePrimitive, StringArrayNode, StringNode, StructInstanceArrayNode, StructInstanceNode, StructNode, SubdivideQuadModifier, SubroutineBindNode, SubroutineNode, SweepPrimitive, TerrainOptionsModifier, Texture, TextureBufferReadNode, TextureCoordsModifier, TexturePaletteNode, TextureReferenceNode, TextureSliceNode, TimerNode, ToggleVertexSpokeEdgesModifier, TransformModifier, TriangulateModifier, TurnEdgeModifier, UniformPaletteNode, VariableArrayNode, VariableNode, ViewStateNode, WeldVertexModifier, WorkloadNode.
Document templates to create shaders for GLSL 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 300, 310, 320, 330, 400, 430, 440, 450 and 460.
500+ scripts that contain full source code for nearly every command you can execute in the application.
<ParametricMesh> and all <Modifier> nodes that allow you to build 3D geometry for rendering.
<Image>/<Algorithms> Core
Includes support for the scripted <Image> object and scripted <Algorithms> libraries that provide a wealth of amazing features high-performance image transformations. This includes high-quality resizing (with a variety of resampling filters) and array-view-based manipulation of <Image> objects.
System Requirements
OpenGL 4.0 was released in 2010 — which means you don’t need the latest and greatest hardware to use Simdify! Simdify applications will attempt to use the most recent version of OpenGL on your device. The available OpenGL version determines which GLSL shading language version is available. The GLSL shading language version, along with the extensions supported by the OpenGL implementation that is active on your device, determine the complete set of features and capabilities available to you. Note that OpenGL support on any particular device may be incomplete, despite vendor marketing materials. For this reason, you can use Simdify Free Edition to precisely determine the features and capabilities of your graphics hardware. In general, minimum recommended system requirements for Simdify Free Edition are as follows:
Windows 10, 11. May work on older versions of Windows, but Simdify is only supported on Windows 10/11.
Intel/AMD, 1 Physical Core, 4 Logical Processors
Simdify Free Edition should work on nearly all hardware from 2010 and newer, and has been tested on Nvidia, AMD, and Intel GPUs. Simdify was developed almost exclusively on Nvidia products. Out of the box, Simdify Free Edition includes working sample shaders for GLSL #version 100 through GLSL #version 460.
Intel/AMD 4 Physical Cores, 16 Logical Processors
16GB, but this depends on your use cases.
Nvidia, AMD, or Intel GPU with support for OpenGL 4.3 and GLSL 430 or higher.
8GB, but this depends on your uses cases.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 or newer if you want to export to Windows. GCC with C++ 20 support if you wish to export and compile on Raspberry Pi 3/4/5 or any Linux device. We do not support Clang out of the box, but it’s probably pretty easy to do this yourself if you want.
Want to learn more about OpenGL before buying? Check out our handy OpenGL quick reference!